Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tomato Plants

The rabbits and/or squirrels ate the first few tomatoes that appeared on my plant, which made me quite sad. They've also feasted on my jalapeƱos. I can happily report that a few tomatoes have managed to survive the creatures at this point. The jalapeƱos? Not so lucky. Here are pictures of my tomatoes:

Taken in June:
Tomato Plants in May

Taken in July (my how they've grown):
Tomato Plants in July

The biggest tomato on July 13th. Sadly the critters got to this guy shortly after the picture was taken. Grrrr!
Biggest Tomato on 7-13

His smaller buddies:
More tomatoes on 7-13

I can't wait to enjoy these tomatoes. Yum!

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