Monday, July 7, 2008

Good News/Bad News

You always give the bad news first, right? Bad news: I haven't written anything in this blog.

Good news: I actually have been cooking more.

My camera got lost during the move, so I've been unable to visually document the attempts at cooking I've made. I now have a new camera, so perhaps there will be posts with actual pictures at some point in the future.

I have fresh herbs growing in my garden & maybe someday I'll have peppers and tomatoes too. Of course that's only if I figure out a way to outsmart the stinkin' rabbits. Argh.

I've started keeping a spreadsheet of my pantry items and I'm keeping that on Google Docs. So now I can search for recipes while I'm at 'work' and immediately see what items I'd need to purchase at the store on my way home. Hopefully this will keep me from buying yet another bottle of white wine vinegar (I currently have three).

I bought a new chef's knife & I can't believe I've gone this long without it. It makes life 10 times easier! Purchased a sharpening steel over the weekend, so no more dull knives in my kitchen!

I went to Whole Foods yesterday & ended up buying Swiss Chard. I've never had it before, but for some reason it just jumped out at me. So tonight I'll be trying something new. Exciting!

So I'm on the right track. Now if I can just remember to document before I dig in & eat...maybe this blog will actually get off the ground!

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